• Military

    Each year, thousands of young men and women choose to join a branch of the military service.  For some it is an opportunity to service their country, for others, a chance to be trained or educated for a vocation.  The Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines are the major branches of military service.  Other opportunties include the Coast Guard, the National Guard, and the Reserves.  Students who wish to attend college before they enter the military may consider ROTC Programs.

    Below is listed several websites and phone numbers for additional information.  A well-qualified student may be offered an excellent and fully funded education with an acceptance to one of the Military Academics.  The application for a military academy begins in the spring of their junior year.  High ACT/SAT scores, grades, and good health are a must for applicants.  The appointment to West Point, The Naval Academy, The Air Force Academy, or the Coast Guard Academy is prestigious and carries a commitment as an officer to the branch of the military when students graduate.  Interested students should see their guidance counselor for more details.

    Web Links to the Military

    U.S. Air Force


    U.S. Army


    U.S. Navy


    U.S. Marine Corps


    U.S. Coast Guard

    Career and Technical Schools

    A college education is not for everyone. For a student interested in obtaining a specific skill, a Technical/Vocation program may be more appropriate. The emphasis of these programs is skill development and job placement. Often the educational approach is hands-on with a small class setting. The length and cost of programs vary and generally the student receives certification in a specific job skill as opposed to a degree. In the guidance office we have many books and a software program named Choices, which can help students find information about technical/vocation programs and schools.  Interested students should see their guidance counselor.


    Some graduates choose to enter the workforce directly from high school. Even graduates pursuing higher education often seek part time employment. Exploring various employment opportunities can be very helpful in defraying college costs. Whatever the reason for entering a job, a student may need help finding information. Many reference books on careers without college, writing resumes or even taking an interest test are available in the guidance office. Word of mouth, newspapers, and websites offer additional information on job opportunities. Some websites to consider are: