• Welcome to the Webutuck Nurse’s Office  

    Below is important information you may need to know... 

    Healthy students are better learners. We want to support your child’s health to ensure their success. Please don't keep your child home unless they are truly sick. Reasons to keep your child home from school include a fever over 100 degrees F, vomiting, diarrhea, or an illness diagnosed by a doctor with a note to stay home. Following illness, students must be without fever (without the use of fever-reducing medication), vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours, before they return. Students can come to school with a cold, cough, allergies, or "not feeling well". We can support them as needed in the nurse's office. 

    Health Concerns:

    Please contact the Nurse’s office with any concerns you may have regarding your student's health.  If your student is ill or injured and cannot fully participate in school activities, please send in a note from their doctor for the nurse.  

    Emergency Contact Information: 

    It is important for the school to be able to contact parents by phone in the event of an emergency, or regarding an injury or illness. Therefore, it is important that parents keep their emergency contact information current at all times. Please notify the Main Office of any changes. 


    Please contact the Main Office if your student is absent from school for any reason.


    School Vaccination Requirements

    Requisitos de vacunación en las escuelas



  • Nurse