Home of the Warriors
Espino Gregorio and Ella Principato are fourth graders at EBIS who one day may be teaching or serving as principal in a Webutuck school.
Sixth graders learned in social studies that it is easier to write their name in English than in the cuneiform system of writing from the ancient Middle East.
Open Door School-based Health Clinic is accepting new patients. All WCSD students are eligible.
Follow this link for more information and Health answers: CLICK Here
Para mas informacion sobre acceso a servicios de salud: PRECIONE AQUI
Anonymous Alerts is an anti-bullying and safety reporting system available via the Anonymous Alerts app or the website.
Make a report online or learn more about Anonymous Alerts.
The middle school and high school musicians performed at the winter concert and are now preparing for the spring concert in May.
Three current Webutuck students and three district graduates had their short stories published in Young Writers USA's "Trapped."
The Webutuck Drama Society will be performing "Clue" on March 28, 29 and 30.
Formulario de emergencia escolar en español
Field trip permission form
School emergency form