Phone: 373-4100 ext 6022
Degrees and Certifications:
7-12 English Language Arts 5-6 Middle School ext. 7-12 Special Education (ELA) 7-12 Literacy
Miss Garofalo
September 2024
Welcome! I am excited to be your English teacher this year. This is my 12th year teaching in the Webutuck Central School District. My room is H3 in the High School.
I will be teaching 8th grade as well as 12th grade English classes and will be co teaching with Miss O. in English 10 period 9.
*Please refer to Remind and Google classroom for homework/class work and communication of assignments or needs/questions!
*Grade 8 ELA
period 3=Google classroom =74hlazx
period 8= Google classroom =dmkkzu6
Remind app code= send a text to 81010 message= @p3ela82
for per 8=@p8ela2
*Senior English class (period 1)
Google classroom= tfvuwqt
Remind app code= send a text to 81010 @678b73g
*DCC 101/102 (period 2)
Google classroom=wtwt6bx
Remind app code= send a text to 81010 @p2dcc
-8th grade ELA. We are lucky to have a section co-taught with Mrs. Quartarano,our Special Education teacher and Ms. Garone, our ELL teacher. (Materials=your charged chromebook and earbuds, pens and pencils, a folder and notebook or binder with paper, and your planner). We will continue to use the NYS Common Core ELA modules to meet standards and goals. Your child should bring the module books to class daily. IR (Independent reading) will happen online via readworks.org and or Commonlit.org or sometimes physical worksheets. IR is assigned every Monday and due every Friday. No lates will be accepted for IR. We will use the EPIC app, Quizziz, and other online study platforms in this class. Iready is assigned every Monday and due every Sunday (30 minutes plus one passed lesson). No late iready work is accepted.
DCC ELA 101 and 102 AND Senior grade 12 English class. (Materials-your charged chromebook and earbuds, pens, and your planner. A folder/notebook OR a binder with paper is also needed. Your DCC writing folder will stay in the room and I will provide this for you.
My classroom is room 3 in the high school. Please feel free to see me for any questions or concerns. I will be available both before and after school by appointment. Please utilize my website GC links for the nightly homework, test and quiz information, and important information for your class. Parents and guardians, please email me or call me for any questions or concerns. My extension for the new classroom phone is 6022 (subject to change since my room changed last year). Remind will be used as well as Google classroom! Please utilize those platforms to communicate and gain information. You can also reach me via Parent Square (which is new this year coming from the district).
On a personal note, I live in Pleasant Valley with my newly adopted dog, Zorro! My hobbies include cooking, baking, reading, and swimming, and walking with Zorro and taking him for rides and to events and shopping!
Here’s to a great year! I look forward to working with the students and families to help all students achieve success!
Miss Garofalo