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- Webutuck High School
- Course Expectations
Course Expectations
Mr. Kleespies
11th Grade US History and Government
Required Materials: (participation grade)
- Portfolio/Binder: You will be required to have a three ring binder every day for class. All handouts, quizzes, notes, and test are expected to be kept.
- Writing Utensil: You must have a pen or pencil to write with every day you are in my classroom! I check every morning, these are easy points to earn, BE PREPARED!!!
- Covered Textbook: You will need to have your textbook with you ever day. Everyone is assigned a book for the year. Your book is your responsibility. I left it in the front of the room, now it’s gone, is not an acceptable excuse.
- Homework: If it is due, it needs to be with you at the start of class.
Homework will be assigned and is to be turned in at the start of class on the due date. Any homework turned in after its due date will receive half credit. Assignments will be posted on our school rack page.
- Homework is to be neat and written in complete sentences.
- In the event of absents you will have extra time from the assigned due date to turn in your work. Homework can be checked at our class page on the schools website
- If you are in school but not in class you are required to turn homework in ON the due date.
Homework: Your homework grade will account for 15% of your quarterly grade.
Class Participation: Class participation will be accounted for daily. You are expected to participate in your learning daily. You will receive credit by answering questions, asking questions and participating productively in groups. There will also be online assignments and discussion in this class that will fall into this category. 10%
Three Ring Binder: You will keep all papers given to you. If you take notes in a separate notebook, turn in with the Unit Binder. You must also have your agenda with you every day to record Today in History. These will be checked at the end of every month for a quiz grade.
Quizzes: There will be quizzes through-out the year. Quizzes will often be given to assess readings assignments. Quizzes will be given periodically and will account for 25% of your quarterly grade.
Tests Tests and DBQs will account for 45% of your quarterly grade.
Classroom Behavior: I expect each and every student in my class to be ready to learn. To best achieve success in my class you must acknowledge the importance of your classroom behavior on you and your fellow classmate’s ability to learn. You are expected to respect your classmates, Webutuck and the staff. You are expected to listen and respect the opinions of your classmates even if you are not in agreement.
Expectations: I expect students
- To be prepared for class every day.
- To finish all work assigned
- To work hard for the short school year
- To score 85% or higher on the US History regents
- To ask questions and check for understanding
- To be on time for class. Lateness will only be tolerated with a pass.
- When absent, homework is expected shortly after assigned due date. That means you must have someone pick up your work for you.
- To demonstrate productive behavior in class.
- To be Honest and respectful of others. Cheating is not tolerated, if you are caught cheating you will receive a zero and the principal will be informed. Copied homework will result in zeros for all involved! Plagiarism is cheating! DO NOT CHEAT. You are cheating yourself out of your education by cheating!
Grading Scale
- Homework 20%
- Class Participation 10%
- Quizzes 25%
- Tests 45%
This page is to be placed as the first page in your binder it is the only paper that will be in your binder for the entire year. The binder will be collected once a quarter.
Extra Help: Just ask and I will stay after school or help you at lunch almost any day.
Please sign, acknowledging you have read this and understand what is required.
Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature
This is what we will be coving this year in 11th grade US History.
- Three Worlds meet
- Converging cultures
- Colonizing America
- Colonial ways of Life
- Creating a Nation
- The American Revolution
- Creating a Constitution
- Federalists and Republicans
- The Young Republic
- Growth and Division
- The Spirit of Reform
- Manifest Destiny
- The Crisis of Union
- Sectional Conflict Intensifies
- The Civil War
- Reconstruction
- The Birth of Modern America
- Settling the West
- Industrialization
- Urban America
- Politics and Reform
- Imperialism and Progressivism
- Becoming a World Power
- The Progressive Movement
- World War I and its aftermath
- Boom and Bust
- The Jazz Age
- Normalcy and Good times
- The Great Depression Begins
- Roosevelt and the New Deal
- Global Struggles
- A World in Flames
- America and World War II
- The Cold War Begins
- Postwar America
- A Time of Upheaval
- The New Frontier and the Great Society
- The Civil Rights Movement
- The Vietnam War
- The politics of Protest
- A Changing Society
- Politics and Economics
- Resurgence of Conservatism
- Into a New Century