- Webutuck High School
- PBIS policy
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
PBIS is a system not a curriculum. It is school wide, evidence based and is used nationwide. PBIS catches students displaying positive behavior and provides consistent consequences for disruptive behavior. It teaches and supports students so they can be socially and behaviorally successful. PBIS makes schools more predictable, consistent, positive and safe for all students and staff.
At the High School, we will reinforce the following traits:
These traits will be the guideline for every classroom matrix and will be explained to the students. Students will receive clear guidelines and expectations for each location throughout the school. They will be posted at each location and students will be required to adhere to these expectations.
MIRS = Minor Incident Reports
When a student disrupts class and the behavior is considered to be minor, the teacher will complete a minor incident report. The classroom teacher will contact the parent or guardian and give the student a consequence. When a student has three minor incident reports, from the same teacher, that teacher will then submit them to the administrator. This will trigger a major referral form and a consequence from an administrator.
Throughout the year students will be rewarded for their positive behavior. Caught Being Good slips will be presented to students by staff. Students will receive a prize for each of the slips. In addition, the High School will create contests to support PBIS and students will have the chance to earn positive rewards.
Minor Infraction Reports will be written for the following:
- Inappropriate Behavior
- Inappropriate Language (not directed at someone)
- Property misuse
- Sleeping in classroom
- Teasing
- Inappropriate (non-aggressive) physical contact
- Minor disrespect/noncompliance
- Dress code
- Cell phone
- Misuse of electronics
- Refused to work
- Lying/cheating
- Off task
- Minor disruption
- Tardy
- Side conversation
- Unprepared
- “Frequent flyer” (repeated requests to leave the classroom)
MAJOR INFRACTIONSMajor Infraction Reports will be written for the following:
- Repeated minor infraction (3 or more MIRs which will be handled by PBIS team)
- Leaving campus without permission
- Physical aggression
- Threats
- Drug/alcohol paraphernalia possession/use - including vaping and e-cigarette devices (pods, juice, and charging units included)
- Weapons
- Bullying/harassment
- Theft
- Plagiarism
- Abusive language (directed at the teacher, classmates, or any staff member)
- Vandalism
- Skipping class