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Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Jessica Quartarano
Welcome, students and parents! This is my 19th year teaching, and I have degrees in special education, elementary education, psychology, and reading. This year I am co-teaching 8th grade math with Mrs. Mathers, 8th grade ELA with Miss Garofalo, and 9th grade Algebra with Mr. Reid. I also teach an 8th grade Study Skills class, and math and reading AIS. When I'm not at school, you can probably find me running around with my nine-year-old son outdoors, cooking, or reading. It has been exciting getting to know my new students and seeing how much my past students have grown.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.
Email: Jessica.Quartarano@webutuck.org
Phone: (845) 373 - 4100 Please follow EBIS prompts and choose mailbox # 6041.